My Portfolio

The following collection of photographs are a small sampling of the many diverse projects, costumes and puppets, that I have supervised, designed and/or built over the years.

It’s difficult to capture the supervision of labor photographically but, suffice it to say, that it takes many talented people organized efficiently to create large scale productions. I have supervised all aspects of costume development and construction of prototype costumes by costume leads, developers, craftspeople and stitchers. As well as trained, mentored, and planned career succession to improve worker motivation and grow their knowledge base and skill sets. Without clear communication with a committed and enthusiastic team much of the following work would not be possible.


see my VStar stuff

Costume Design

see my Costume Design stuff


see my Puppets stuff

UC Irvine

see my UCI stuff

Institute of Professional Puppetry Art (IPPA)

see my IPPA stuff

Figures of Speech

see my Figures of Speech stuff